Everpure S-101 ( Cartridge A for ROM II and ROM III) - Replacement Cartridge
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Product Details
Features and Benefits:
Polishes treated water to provide premium quality for drinking and cooking
Reduce chlorine taste and odor
Reduces dirt, rust, asbestos fibers and other particulates such as oxidized iron, manganese and sulfides
Reduces cysts such as Cryptosporidium and Giardia by mechanical means
Control even extreme levels of common off-tastes and odors, including those that are earthy, moldy and fishy
Reduce limescale build-up in appliances that use water
Reduce lead to below the Federal Action Level
Reduce VOCs and MTBE (ROM III only)
Is certified by NSF/ANSI in the reduction of arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, copper, fluoride, lead, nitrate/nitrite, selenium, radium, cysts, sodium and chloroform